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Heffalump, from Winnie-the-Pooh

designed by Becky Corwin-Adams
Bryan, Ohio

Level: Medium
For help with the ears, see the Illustrated Penguin Directions


Special Instructions:
After completing row 1, place: 4 tan, 1 magenta, 6 tan, 1 magenta, and 1 tan bead on each strand to work each ear.
Row 4: Work one strand through the first 3 beads of row, then place 8 tan beads on this strand to work 3-D trunk. After making trunk, work the same strand through the third bead again, then through the last two beads of this row.
Note: Heffalumps come in every size, shape, and color. They are often elephant-shaped. Heffalumps love to steal hunny, especially Pooh's hunny.