Beadie Critters Tips Page

Materials for Beadie Critters

smiley1.gif (245 bytes)Beads

These come in several sizes. I have attempted to size these pictures so they show the approximate size of the beads on my screen, which is set at 1024 X 768 pixels.

Lily has a very nice FYI Page where she shows her Barbies done in the various sizes of beads, and shows the spools of plastic lacing as well. She also describes how she organizes her supplies and how she designs her creations. Also some basic instructions, with photos, on how to make beadie fashion dolls and how to do appendages.

Any of the three smallest sizes can be used for Girl Scout SWAPs.

smiley1.gif (245 bytes)Hooks, keyrings, etc.

Most projects can be done on a lanyard hook or keyring so that you can hang it on your backpack. I usually do my projects on a lanyard hook, then hook several of them onto one split keyring.

Here's a picture of a lanyard hook: lanyardhook.gif (1506 bytes)

New Idea, great for recycling: You can use a pop tab instead of a lanyard hook. These pop tabs can still be slipped onto a keyring. Submitted by Angie Spicer.

smiley1.gif (245 bytes) Cord, String, Plastic Lacing, etc.

There are all kinds of cords or strings or whatever that can be used.


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Organizing All That Stuff!

Now that you've become a beadie fanatic, where do you put all the beads that you keep collecting? Here are some ideas:

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