Primary Helps
Prophet Compilation--Click on the link to download a Microsoft Word document in Zip format (you'll need WinZip or PKUnzip to decompress this file before you can open it in Word). This is a bunch of info I have gathered about prophets. You could use these for sharing times, activity days, etc. There are links to websites, lists of Friend articles, and much more.
How I Did the Chair Covers for our Primary
Easter in Eggs paper version, for those with large Primaries or small budgets
Teacher Appreciation and Reverence Artwork
Choosing Can, Door Signs and Binder Cover Ideas
I've put some patterns for beaded keychains on my Beadie Critter site. There is a CTR Shield, CTR Keyring and "I Love Primary" Keyring. You'll see them listed in the Pattern Index under the "Flags, Navy, Other Military, & Religious Symbols" category. New to the site is a Small CTR Keyring. I give these out for teacher birthdays. Other wards use them for Articles of Faith memorization incentives by giving them out to the children, then letting them earn a bead to tie to the end each time they recite an Article of Faith. There is also an "Angel Moroni" beadie.
Below are some visual aids I have created as part of my calling as assistant secretary in the Primary. My main responsibilities right now are teacher appreciation and creating visual aids to help with reverence. The graphics have come from books by Dianne J. Hook or D.J. Inkers; I have merely colored them and added the wording.
Teacher Appreciation Magnets--I printed these out on beige cardstock (just to give it a little color without overpowering the colors of the graphic), covered them with contact paper, cut them out and put magnets on the back.
Reverence Jar--This is just a graphic to use on a Reverence Jar. You fill the jar one handful at a time with jellybeans, or popcorn or dried beans, when the children are being reverent (as a group). If it gets particularly noisy, you reach in and remove a handful. That usually quiets them right down--they don't want to lose beans! When the jar is full you have a special Primary activity. One year it was jellybeans and we had a jellybean party right in Primary--we used the jellybeans to play Scripture Bingo and they could eat the jellybeans afterward. Another year it was unpopped popcorn, and there was a popcorn Primary Activity when it got full.
Reverence Girl
These are posters that I enlarged to 11X17 size and placed on easels at the front of the
room, to remind the children to be reverent.
Choosing Can, Door Signs and Binder Cover Ideas
Choosing Can Instructions and Graphics
Door Sign Instructions and Graphics
Binder Cover Sheet Instructions
Christy's Primary Art--lots of
ideas for sharing time, teaching songs, FHE, etc. and some art too! (The rainbow graphic
at the top of this page came from from Christy's site, and I made this background using a
picture from her site.)
Cherishing Children--part of Ideas for Sharing Times, inspirational quotes, etc.
Primary Etc.--Lots of sharing time ideas and theme helps. New--the year 2000 Primary monthly themes and scriptures.
The Primary Page--biggest site around for Primary ideas. Tons of shared info on all kinds of topics. Don't miss this one!
Primarily Primary--new site with themes, sharing time ideas, and more.
Debbie's Primary Page--another site with sharing time ideas, activity day ideas, scouting, music, CSMP, etc.
Linda's Lists--Primary Helps and More--some cute ideas.